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Ventura Art Gallery

New Featured Artist- David Rey Echt

When we reach into water we might notice the circular ring pattern pulsating away from our touch. These simple observations are my artist classroom. My tools are light and shadows. Art is the mixture of observation and imagination expressed in physical form. Artistically I've done everything from sculpture to furniture making to painting. In the [...]

2019-07-18T11:01:29-07:00July 18th, 2019|News, Ventura Art Gallery|

Featured Artist – Bryn Craig – 9/14/2017

We are fortunate to be showing the art work of Bryn Craig.  He is a local artist and we had featured other art work of his in March of this year.  Below is some information on Bryn.  Please feel free to enjoy his art work next time you are in the office. Bio Born in 1931 [...]

2019-07-18T11:01:31-07:00September 19th, 2017|Ventura Art Gallery|
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